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Depaul University’s humanities are renowned around the world, social sciences are also highly acclaimed, and its Kellstadt Graduate School of Business (Kellstadt Graduate School of Business) part-time MBA program ranks 44th in the country. In addition, the School of Computer and Digital Media is the largest computer science graduate school in the United States, and the school continues to transport talents for major high-tech companies in the United States, such as Microsoft, MOTOROLA, IBM, etc. The school of Film has been rated as one of the top film schools in the United States by the Hollywood Reporter for many times. The school’s Lincoln Park campus is known as “the most beautiful campus in Chicago.”
According to the latest ranking of U.S. News in 2019, depaul University was rated as a first-class national university in the United States, ranked 119th in the overall undergraduate ranking in the United States, and ranked 79th in the best graduate business school in the United States. Business Week 2014 ranked 64th in the United States; TFE TIMES 2016 Master of Accounting program ranked 59th in the United States, Master of Finance program ranked 51st in the United States, Master of Metalworking program ranked 30th in the United States, Master of Marketing program ranked 14th; According to U.S PR WEEK, its School of Communication’s Public Relations and Advertising has won the Best 5 public relations education Awards in the United States for several years.
德保罗大学的人文学科享誉全球,社会科学也广受好评,其凯尔施塔特商学院(Kellstadt Graduate School of Business)兼职MBA课程在全国排名第44位。此外,计算机与数字媒体学院是全美最大的计算机科学研究生院,学校持续为美国各大高科技公司输送人才,如微软、摩托罗拉、IBM等。电影学院多次被《好莱坞报道》评为全美顶级电影学院之一,学校的林肯公园校区被誉为“芝加哥最美校园”。
根据2019年U.S. News最新排名,德保罗大学被评为全美一流国家级大学,全美本科总体排名位列119位,全美最佳研究生商学院排名第79位,《商业周刊》2014年排名全美第64位; TFE TIMES 2016年会计硕士项目全美排名第59位、金融硕士项目全美排名第51位、金属加工硕士项目全美排名第30位、市场营销硕士项目全美排名第14位;据U.S PR WEEK报道,该校传播学院公共关系与广告专业连续数年荣获全美Best 5公共关系教育奖。