The University of Bern (German: Universität Bern; English: University of Bern, UniBe for short) is located in Bern, the capital of Switzerland, and is a world-renowned research university. The history of the establishment of the school can be traced back to the Puritan Theological Seminary established during the Reformation in the early 16th century. The school had 3 professors when it was founded, and by the end of the seventeenth century, it had six professors. By the eighteenth century, the University of Bern had been in a dominant position in the fields of humanities and theology. Nobel Prize winners including Emile Teodor Kochr and Kurt Wittrich have studied and worked here. 伯尔尼大学(德文:Universität Bern;英文:University of Bern,简称UniBe)坐落于瑞士首都伯尔尼,是世界上著名的研究型大学。该校创建历史可以追溯到16世纪早期宗教改革中建立的清教神学院。学校在建校时即拥有3位教授,到十七世纪末拥有6位教授,到十八世纪伯尔尼大学在人文和神学领域一直处于统治地位。包括埃米尔·特奥多尔·科赫尔和库尔特·维特里希在内的诺贝尔奖得主都曾在此学习工作。