How many days does to order a FOM urkunde of Germany?
Today, FOM University has developed into Germany’s largest economic and management professional institutions of higher learning, a strong faculty, a total of 180 university professors, in addition to more than 500 senior visiting professors, the whole school has more than 15,000 students. Many famous companies such as SiemensAG (Siemens), BayerAG (Bayer), DeutscheBank (DeutscheBank), Bertelsmann (Bertelsmann media group) have closely integrated FOM University teaching with their executive training. FOM University has campuses in 19 cities in Germany, including Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich.
FOM University is ranked 91st in the list of German university degrees recognized by the Chinese government published by the Foreign Supervision Information Network of the Ministry of Education of China (updated on November 30, 2010). The campus environment of FOM University is elegant, the hardware facilities are first-class, the multimedia teaching equipment and the first-class infrastructure are second to none in German universities. The school’s software service is first-class, and students are very satisfied with the service management and the teaching level of professors. The school uses modern multimedia teaching methods and regularly holds various seminars and academic lectures. FOM University is the largest economics and management university in Germany. FOM University was founded with the support of the government in collaboration with entrepreneurs’ associations, chambers of commerce and industry, multinational companies and consortia.
在德国购买FOM urkunde最好的网站是什么?在哪里可以在线获得真实的FOM urkunde?埃森经济与管理大学成立于1993年,总部位于德国北威斯特法伦州埃森,在柏林、法兰克福、汉堡、慕尼黑等35个中心城市设有分支机构,在奥地利维也纳设有海外分校,是德国最大的经济管理大学。
订购德国FOM urkunde需要多少天?
在中国教育部外管信息网公布的中国政府承认的德国大学学位名单中(2010年11月30日更新),FOM大学位列第91位。FOM大学校园环境优雅,硬件设施一流,多媒体教学设备和一流的基础设施在德国大学中首屈一指。学校的软件服务一流,学生对服务管理和教授的教学水平非常满意。学校采用现代化的多媒体教学方式,定期举办各种研讨会和学术讲座。FOM大学是德国最大的经济管理类大学。 FOM大学是在政府支持下与企业家协会、工商会、跨国公司和财团合作成立的。